Anda með Andra á netinu | Breathe Online
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ANDA MEÐ ANDRA á netinu | Breathe with Andri Online (english below) Öndunartímar fyrir bestu mögulegu vellíðan. 1 klst öndunartími þar sem þú kemur til að sleppa huganum og upplifa kraft öndunarinnar. Með tónlist og hljóðheilandi hljóðfærum til þess að dýpka reynsluna. Tíminn byrjar og endar á djúpri slökun. Tilvalið ef: Þú ert fús til þess að uppgötva heilsubætandi áhrif öndunartækni, iðkar hana nú þegar og vilt iðka með hóp. Frábær leið til að draga úr streitu, losa um líkamlega og tilfinningalega spennu og finna jafnvægi. Nánari upplýsingar um öndun: -------- English Breathing sessions for optimal wellbeing Andri will lead you into a very unique approach to breathwork. This group session will start with a short explanation of the benefits, you will then lay down for the led breathing and end with a deep relaxation. Why breathwork? With chronic stress, anxiety, burnouts, and other stress-related conditions on the rise worldwide, it is time to go back to the basics and make fundamental changes for good. The good news is that breathing is now mainstream. People are becoming conscious of the power of breathwork for optimal performance and better health. Breathwork has been around for centuries. There are countless methods and techniques available today. From esoteric approaches to evidence-based protocols. Yet, all of them have in essence the same core principles. The goal is to bring you back into a state of balance. To your center. One breath at a time. Here and now. Breathwork has shown to: Decrease inflammation Enhance the immune system Improve mood and well-being Reduce stress and anxiety Pain suppression Speed up metabolism Improve sleep Note: You will be joining an experience with other local participants at the studio. Private groups can be requested at different times. Great for team building. Important to show up early as the session will start sharp on time. Read more about breathwork here:

Contact Details
Hægra megin við hliðina tónlistarskóla. ANDRI ICELAND, Rauðagerði 25, Reykjavík, Iceland