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Myotape munnplástur 90 stk.

Large tape: adults and teenagers 16 years +
​1 pack includes 3 months of tapes (90 units)
Color: Beige (skin tone)


  • Better Breathing Efficiency
  • Maximal Oxygen Uptake
  • Stronger Respiratory Muscles
  • Faster Recovery After Exercise
  • Less Airway Irritation/exercise-induced Asthma

Elevate your athletic performance with MyoTape Nose Breathing For Sports, a groundbreaking product designed to optimize your breathing efficiency during physical activity. Made from hypoallergenic cotton and skin-friendly adhesive, MyoTape stands up to the challenge of intense workouts, adhering to the skin even through sweat.

Experience the science-backed advantages of nasal breathing with MyoTape. Switching to nasal breathing can lead to increased oxygen uptake, stronger respiratory muscles, faster recovery post-exercise, and reduced airway irritation or exercise-induced asthma. MyoTape Sport allows you to practice the renowned Oxygen Advantage technique, taking your training to the next level. Despite ensuring lip closure for efficient nasal breathing, our tape design allows easy communication and hydration, ensuring you stay at the top of your game throughout your training sessions.


Boost your performance and recovery with MyoTape Nose Breathing For Sports. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a fitness enthusiast, MyoTape is a game-changer that paves the way for efficient breathing and improved athletic performance. Start your MyoTape journey today, and feel the difference in your training and recovery!

MYOTAPE for Sport | Munnplástrar fyrir æfingu

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